Thursday, October 29, 2015

HW for Nov. 3

HW: Type your examples (from your topic discussed in class Thursday) for each of the above.

Which one of the three subject partitions will you use (141)?
2.       What are your (142)
A.      Major part 1
1.       Minor part
B.      Major part 2
1.       Minor part? 
3. What is your title (145)?
4. What is the definition (145)?
5. What is the purpose statement (145)?
6. What is the main point? (146)?
7. What is the importance of the subject? (146)?
8. What is the overall description of the subject (146)?
9. What is the list of the major features, functions, or stages (146)?

ALSO, Read chapter six for Nov. 3 quiz

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